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Care Specialist Services Ltd



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    J Davies img 5

    Leticia from Care Specialist Services Ltd cared for my Mum during the final months of her life. She was very good at getting along with her, and also ensuring her day ran smoothly and she didn’t get distressed. Dementia meant that my Mum could occasionally be uncooperative and difficult, but Leticia always found a way. I marvelled how she remained unflappable, and calm throughout. She also showed herself very diligent when it came to the practical side of things – dealing with prescriptions, food, exercise and washing etc. My Mum, who was a bit of a foodie, particularly liked her cooking. Her skills knowledge and sensitivity to the situation became particularly apparent when it came to the palliative side of my Mum’s care. I have no reservation in wholeheartedly recommending her and her company, and am truly grateful she enabled my Mum to remain at home and avoid going into a care home.

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    Eleos Serth img 5

    Care specialist is unique, growing care givers in the UK . Bravo????????????

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    Lm Sau img 5

    Good quality care policies I read and the team is great