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Living Learning English



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    Rosa Cristobal Fuertes img 5

    My name is Rosa, and this was my second experience with Living Learning English. I have to tell that I would strongly recommend this organization to anyone looking for an English immersion program. All the staff is really kind, efficient and helpful. I spent two weeks with Katy, Ian and their lovely cat Dave in Minster (Kent). We had a 4 hour lesson every morning and Katy did It really light and funny. Every lesson was perfectly planned and We used different resources: Text books, News, films, radio…. She’s a really good teacher, She loves teaching and you can feel It. Katy had planned different activities to do every afternoon: visiting beautiful cities, museums, castles, the beach.…. And She really enjoyed as I did. Ian and Katy are very warm people. They were so kind to me that , I went with them to the cinema, to the bowls, to the pub with their friends…... They made me feel at home. Their house is a beautiful house with a lovely garden and I really enjoyed my time there. I will miss Ian, Katy and Dave All the above, helped me to improve my English level ,much more than I expected. I feel very happy with my experience

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    Virginia Torres Haba img 5

    Everything was easy with Leaving Learning English. I booked two weeks course and the experience has been really enriching. I stayed in Preston, Northwest, and John Rutter was my teacher. John and Lin were very nice and kind. The location was fantastic: parks nearby, walking distance to the city center; perfect for free time activities. Lessons were perfectly organized and we used different teaching materials: newspapers, videos, radio programs, role plays, etc.; they highly caught up my expectations. My listening and speaking skills have been improved and I gained fluency. However, the biggest advantage was that I could speak English all the time. Excursions were fun and interesting at the same time. For example, we went to a theatre play, which allowed me to meet more people and work on different accents and comprehension. I recommend John Rutter as teacher and Leaving Learning English!

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    Дина Мухамедьярова img 5

    Company Living Learning English organized my course perfectly! They provided me absolutely with everything: recommendation about clothes, transport, what to bring, gave me all modern and useful course materials. Elaine’s and Patrick’s family was very lovely! I was so warmly welcomed, they did their best to make me feel at home. The food was delicious, although it wasn’t easy with me, because I’m a vegetarian. Our lessons were organized properly, Elaine brought me different materials, for example, we watched videos, or read different newspapers and magazines. The teacher asked a lot of questions and organized many conversations, it was very supportive. The teachers there aren’t just teaching you, they entertain you! For instance they’ve shown me really interesting TV-programs, told me about events I might enjoy, invited me to a party with their friends (this was really amazing, I met a lot of very nice, friendly and interesting people!). I’ve learned a lot, not just grammar but about speaking natural English. Before I came there I was shy speaking English, but now I’m confident, I’m not afraid to speak and make mistakes. I’d recommend Living Learning English to everybody!

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    Yijin Chen img 5

    I am happy to review my experience with my home stay family. This is my first time staying with an English family and I have realized that my English level has improved a lot that I am pleased with it. I also did leisure activities with my teacher after my lessons, such as: cycling, Segway, gym, crazy golf, running and swimming. At Christmas/New Year, we went to London with tickets to see the amazing fireworks display and had a party with Dot brother’s family on Southbank near the London Eye. I had a traditional English Christmas which was fantastic.

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    Tetiana Tymoshchuk img 5

    Hi! I’m from Ukraine. I’ve stayed in Newport 3 weeks and now I want to share my recent experience. To begin with, I want to say a few words about my host family. The family was very friendly and caring, because they were spending a lot of time with us. Also, there was a little baby, called Mollie. She was very funny and we enjoyed to play with her. They were like our friends: we were playing different table games, football, watched British TV series together and talking about everything every time. What about excursions: that was really awesome! We got a lot of impressions and emotions from different places. We’ve visited Swansea, Burry Island, Cardiff many times and also the places like coal mine, mountains, museums, restaurants and shops. Furthermore, I made a lot of friends. We really got close with the Spanish girl- Lucia. We had a lot in common, so we’ve spend our time together. There was also the ability to meet family’s relatives and friends. What is more, the English program was very good. It was definitely appropriate for my level and improved it even better. I’m not absolutely fluent, but I can easily talk with others, keep up the conversations and talk on different topics. Also I improved my other skills, such as writing, reading, listening. All in all, I want to say that I’m really satisfied with that opportunity. I’m recommending this family and LLE school for everyone, that wants to improve English skills, taste British traditions, make new friends, and , of course, spent the summer unforgettable!