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BLC - Bristol Language Centre



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    Sebastian Reyes img 5

    BLC is a brilliant and very professional language school, if you want to enhance your English skills this is the perfect place to do it. It has a very friendly environment and the spirit of the people who teach there is extraordinary. I noticed a positive and considerable improvement in my language skills throughout my stay. The accommodation in the city of Bristol was wonderful and the experience of living in such pleasant place will be unforgettable. I wish them the very best.

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    Polina Rumiantceva img 5

    In August 2019 I have taken only one week course at BLC, but it was amazing. The school is small, but it is the total advantage for students. All your teachers will try to know you, to speak with you. There were lots of additional activities after school activities all students are able to take part in - both educational and fun. Thank you very much for your enthusiasm, energy that you share with everyone. Absolutely recommend it. Cheers

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    Christian Sage img 5

    BLC offers a wide range of English lessons, from beginners to intensive courses. The lessons were very well structured and the staff always very friendly, responsive and helpful. The learning in the school was supplemented by homework. So there was no time for boredom. Bristol is a very beautiful city and offers many interesting sights. The people there are very hospitable and helpful. We met many new friends and really enjoyed the time there. Thank you very much for everything :-))

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    Uxía Freitas img 5

    BLC is a language school where you can improve a lot your language skills, whether you work hard while you are there. You will enjoy both classes, because of the quality of the teachers, and the city, Bristol, which is full of life and it has beautiful landscapes. And the most important, never forget to make as many friends as possible to become very fluent. For me, it was an unforgettable experience!

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    Rahel img 5

    BLC is a very professional language school where you have the opportunity to improve your general english skills or to prepare for an international exam. The lessons were very well structured and the teachers were always very helpful. I really appreciated how the teachers organised the class with different ways to learn the subject, it never got boring. I enjoyed as well the friendly and easygoing atmosphere at school.