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Cotham Gardens Primary School



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    Honey Beauty Secrets img 1

    My children have been bullied here and nothing has been done about it they tend to meddle in your private lives and give false reports about your children's progress. My child acheived above what has been required and it was reported that he is 'struggling'. Quite simple I won't recommend this school to anyone I am very dissappointed. It does not appear in the outstanding list and that clearly reflects it's position my children deserve better.

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    Balint Nemeth img 5

    Cotham Gardens Primary School is really friendly school. I like the way they teach my kids. My daughters are always happy to go there and never had any problems.

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    tony edwards img 4

    When to school here in the 60s lived in meridian Rd. Antony Edwards. Phil Price. Richard kochinski..

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    Iona Hughes img 5

    I loved it there miss it so much

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    Finn CJ img 4

    Decent for a school, a bit small...